Simpsons Predictions for 2024 are Insane!!!

3 min readJan 14, 2024
Photo by Jack O'Rourke on Unsplash

In the realm of popular culture, few phenomena have sparked as much intrigue and speculation as the uncanny predictions made by The Simpsons cartoons. Dating back to the early '90s, these animated creations seem to have foretold various events that unfolded years later in the real world.

1. Barbie Doll Movie and Trump’s Arrest: A Remarkable Coincidence?

Photo by Roman Vsugon on Unsplash

One striking example is the February 17, 1994, episode titled "Lisa vs. Malibu," where a news anchor discusses a new Barbie doll and makes an offbeat prediction about America's future. Little did anyone know that this seemingly innocent cartoon would align with reality on April 4, 2023, when a Barbie Doll movie was released, coinciding with the arrest of Donald Trump on charges related to financial matters.

2. Rise of Intelligent Robots: Lada and Itchy and Scratchy Land

Photo by Andy Kelly on Unsplash

The Simpsons didn't just stop at foreseeing political events. In 1994, the show hinted at the advent of advanced robots. The creation of a…




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