3000 Years of the PALESTINE conflict

3 min readJan 14, 2024

Ancient Foundations: Divine Command and Biblical Roots

Photo by Raimond Klavins on Unsplash

Jerusalem's historical journey commenced over 3000 years ago when Allah commanded Musa al-Salam to liberate the Bani Israel Jews from Egyptian bondage. The Torah delineated Palestine as a sacred land for the descendants of Ibrahim al-Salam, tracing lineage through Isaac and Ishmael.

Biblical Peaks: King David, Solomon, and Babylonian Shadows

Photo by Mehdi Shahbazi on Unsplash

The city witnessed the reign of King David, and his son Solomon constructed a temple that stood as a testament to faith. However, Babylonian destruction under Nebuchadnezzar altered Jerusalem's destiny. The liberator Cyrus the Great restored the Jews, allowing them to rebuild the temple.

Roman Rule and the Echoes of Salahuddin Ayubi

Photo by Fahrul Azmi on Unsplash

Roman dominance and destruction marked an era until Salahuddin Ayubi's conquest, exemplifying tolerance by offering…




Passionate storyteller and tech enthusiast, weaving words to demystify complex concepts.